No Result. No Fee. Debt relief you can count on.

Client Complaint Policy and Procedure

Our goal at Debtvantage is to provide exceptional service to our clients. While every effort is taken to ensure we treat our clients in a fair, courteous, and honest manner, we may occasionally make a mistake, or a client may feel they have not received the highest possible level of service, courtesy or respect. We believe that our clients have the right to complain and the right to have their complaints addressed. We also believe that a successful organization must be willing to evolve in an effort to meet the needs of its clients. Therefore, we have established a complaint process for clients who are unsatisfied with the service or treatment they receive.

How to Complain

In the event you are unsatisfied with any aspect of our company, please initially direct your comment or complaint with the employee or team responsible if applicable. If the individual employee cannot resolve the matter, we will engage the relevant manager or Director to try and resolve matters. To help us resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, please include the following in your correspondence:
  1. A clear description of the complaint and any suggestions you may have that would resolve your grievance.
  2. Details of any relevant information relating to any contacts you may previously have had with us on this subject.
  3.  Whether it is an original complaint, or a follow-up to a reply you were not satisfied with.
  4. Your complete contact information (including full postal address, telephone number, and email address) and your date of birth (for verification purposes).
We always attempt to resolve your concerns at the first point of contact. However, if you are not satisfied with the resolution, you may then notify our Compliance Officer in writing at:
Via Email:
Via U.S. Mail: Debtvantage, Inc Customer Service Department ATTN: Compliance Officer 501 Congress Ave Suite 150 Austin, TX 78701


Please complete the form below

Name *
Phone *
Your Situation/Message:

What to Expect

We strive to resolve all complaints as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can expect to receive an response from us within 3 business days after submitting your complaint and most complaints are resolved within 10 business days. If your case is particularly complex and cannot be resolved within 10 days, we will provide you with an estimated time in which you should expect to receive a response.